What To Do Next After Learning About Enlightenment


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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I'm going to talk about what you need to do next now that you've learned about spiritual enlightenment this video is intended to be watched after you first watched my spiritual enlightenment video the one that introduces you to spiritual enlightenment tells you exactly what it is it's a long video it's an in-depth video it's a world view shattering video so if you haven't seen it go watch it but if you have seen it then you've probably been left with a bit of a bitter taste in your mouth and you're not quite sure what to do now that you learn about this truth and you're not sure where to go this has made you confused it has major life more complicated you're not sure which direction to go in because it seems like you're being pulled in two directions you've got the light that you've been currently living you're you know pretty much your normal existence you've been living that your whole life and that's still got momentum and it's pulling you but then also you've got this new truth that you've learned and this is now beckoning you to go on a journey and pull yourself in a totally different direction and in some sense these can be opposite seeming directions so I want to clear some of this up and tell you what the game plan is here most people when they hear about the truth of spiritual I mean what happens is that it's a blow to your system and the emotional reaction you experience is sadness depression this feeling of emptiness this feeling like life is pointless and you might have been left thinking something like oh damn so my whole life was this giant lie and now it's still alive I'm still continuing to live this lie so what do I do do I stop the lie do I continue going with it I don't even know what your action to go and if I want it to stop this lie and there's a sense that everything is pointless there's no purpose anymore to anything you're not excited about life anymore and you don't know what to do what should you do well the first thing to recognize is let's not be rash here and remember that these emotions that you're experiencing whatever they are sadness anger emptiness any of these emotions that these are emotional reactions of the ego and this is how the ego protects and defends itself so when you first hear this truth you're going to have a very big emotional reaction but just like with anything in life you hear it the first time and it might shock you but then you get desensitized to it over time so right now if you just heard this truth today or yesterday or last week it's still very fresh in your in your palate you've still got that aftertaste and it can seem a bit bitter a bit sour a bit depressing well just let that carry itself through those are natural emotions let them carry themselves through they're not that painful they're not that damaging to your life so don't play into them and pretend like oh my god my life is going to hell I should kill myself now everything's horrible don't do that just let the let the natural emotions if they're negative come up but then don't play into them and make them exaggerated don't blow them over the top don't overreact and don't do anything at this point yet to change your life around because you're not sure which ways to change your life yet and the thing is that your ego the way it defends itself is that it jumps to assumptions and conclusions about what you should do which make it seem like your whole life is going to hell when in fact it's not I'm going to talk a little bit more about that later here but before we even go there first of all from your point of view if you just heard from spirit about spiritual alignment from me then you got to watch out because you got to consider two things first of all consider that I could be lying to you secondly consider that I could be wrong from your point of view both of these things can be the case now it's not the case but it doesn't help you when I tell you that I'm not lying to you or that I'm not wrong because from your point of view I could still be lying too or I could still be wrong so what does this mean well this leaves you in kind of a unresolved state if you will and that's good that's what you need to get more comfortable with see the whole problem is that your whole life up to this point has been designed about getting you stability and certainty and resolution and spiritual alignment is all about the opposite you have to kind of shake your mind loose of all these certainties that you've had because it's these certainties that have been creating a lot of problems for you without you being aware of it so what you need to do is not jump to some opposite conclusion don't have faith in me don't just believe everything I say you have it skeptical if it skeptical so kind of like follow that middle path there and at this point in your life you understand that you're still caught up in the illusion if what I'm telling you is true you're still caught up in it so don't go doing something drastic and crazy with your life and then justify that oh it's because Leo told me about this enlightenment thing that now I need to go do this crazy thing no I didn't tell you anything crazy that you have to do I just shared some information with you and that gives you perhaps a different perspective on life but recognize that just having a perspective on life is one thing going out there doing something crazy is a different thing and I did not in any way advocate doing anything crazy with your life so don't be rash you're still caught in this illusion so any actions that you take right now they're actually coming from a position of being in the illusion so if you tell yourself that oh I'm going to go do something and that is me breaking the illusion well is that really you breaking the illusion or is that you being a victim of the illusion you're so caught in it that means that you still operate on all the same principles that you've operated before it's not like I share this truth with you and now all the sudden you're enlightened see if you actually became enlightened from me telling you the truth which it would it wouldn't be possible but let's say you did if you became enlightened after watching that first video then I would be speaking to you in a different very different way because you would now be in a very different position life but you're not there you're not enlightened all you have is you have some information now this information needs to be used to go on a journey it can be or if you don't want to go on a journey then don't go on the journey but regardless you're still in the place where you're at so you might say well leo does this mean that all the self-help videos that I've been watching from you that they're all pointless does this mean that I should stop reading books does this mean that I should stop going to work does this mean that I should divorce my wife and and leave my kids behind does this mean that I should quit my job does this mean that I should go live in a cave somewhere in India what does all this mean and you got understand that you're still in the same place where you were at before you watch the video nothing really has changed for you you just became a little bit more depressed so that means that if you do go live in a cave in India and you quit your job and all this stuff you're going to have massive suffering you understand this because you're not enlightened you go there you live in a cave and you will get exactly the experience that you would imagine you would get if you went and dropped your whole life and lived in a cave you would suffer a lot so I don't recommend you doing that not now you haven't attained anything yet so don't be so quick to throw everything away in your life and be careful about using this and now as an excuse to become a slob or a slacker in your life so just because you understand spiritual enlightenment intellectually doesn't mean that now you get to be a jerk to your family that's not an excuse to be a jerk to your family nor does it mean that now you can tell your boss to go [ __ ] himself nor does it mean that now money's not important and you don't have to pay your rent to your landlord all these things are still part of reality those aren't illusions you start to pay your bills you still have to feed your kids otherwise they're gonna go hungry you still probably want to be nice to your wife otherwise she's gonna be mad at you so those are still things that you want to uphold and maintain and if you're eating healthy maintain eating healthy this doesn't mean that you should now go because of enlightenment and start eating at McDonald's and start splurging on sinkers bars don't do that maintain your health if you've got a gym routine keep going to your gym routine everything just keeps going keeps going keep going we're imprinting you with a new perspective right so don't get the perspective confused with the actions at least right now the other thing you should know is that I don't know where you are right now in your life but everyone's in a very different place some of you are struggling just to pay the rent some of you are jobless some of you are homeless watching this this video some of you are really well-off and you've got a great flourishing career some of you are in your retirement age some of you are owning your own business and you've got a passive income some of you are working paycheck to paycheck and maybe you're working 60 hour weeks or whatever at your job so there's a lot of different positions you can be in and there's a lot of different ages that you can be and you could be 15 years old you could be 25 years old 40 years old 50 60 70 years old so depending on where you are not just in life but also in your personal development in your psychological development there's different stuff that you'll need to do so first of all understand that what we're talking about here with spiritual alignment this is the most advanced stage of personal development work and the most advanced stage you might say of self-actualization work when you realize that there is no self to self actualize now this might seem like oh my god that means that everything that I've been doing up to this point has been a hoax but you don't want to look at it like that you want to look at it as stages there's a stage kind of a stair step ladder up from the very bottom to the very top and this is a long ladder and there's a lot of development that has to happen along the way so just because you're going to be doing some work at the very high level stage doesn't mean that everything below that has been useless know everything you've been doing up to this point has been building you up building you up to this stage that you're going to be at now now many of you might not even be at this stage or be ready for this stage so that's the decision you have to make for yourself is kind of where you are on this on this ladder so just to give you like a basic example let's say that you have difficulty paying your mortgage right now and your house might get repossessed in a couple of months if you don't go find yourself a new job and you've got a family got a wife and you got a couple of kids and you've got some of these money issues you don't know how to buy the groceries oh okay so if you're in that situation spiritual alignment is not something you should be worrying about right now you've got some more basic fundamental issues to take care of go ahead take care of your money issue so that there's not this burning need for money fix that then maybe you'll be ready for spiritual alignment work later maybe you might require five or ten years of more of personal development work before you get to the point where you can do this spiritual diamond work now it's not to say that anything is preventing you no matter at what stage you are at life if you're very young and you're very inexperienced with life you can still pursue spiritual enlightenment but remember that the day is long and there are many days in the year so it's not like you've only got one option here it's not like all you have to do is do spiritual I'm in 24/7 you don't need to do this in fact that would uh that would backfire on you so it's about making small shifts in your life to accommodate this work it's not about totally transforming your life you know not unless you really want to not unless it really makes sense for you so get your basics handled if you've got relationship problems that are very fundamental they're making you anxious and agitated get get those handled if you've got health problems you know if you're overweight your doctor telling you that you're had a heart attack next year if you don't fix that let's go ahead and have you fix that first simply because spiritual enlightenment this is a long process this might take you a couple of years in the best case scenario it might take you five or ten ten years to do so in the meantime you got to understand you still are living your ordinary life nothing is really changed you still need a job you still need to pay the bills and and do all the kind of ordinary stuff that you do and your internal state hasn't changed so if if you go ahead and run amok of your life right now you're going to feel that you're going to suffer for it it's not like you're not going to suffer that suffering will be there it's a self created suffering it's an illusion but the suffering feels very real to you so it's still going to be there because you haven't escaped the illusion that's what I mean that you're still stuck in the illusion so don't think that now you're out of the illusion you're not you're still totally in it so after you get the basics handled you might even want more than just the basics you might want to go back and look at my other videos that are not enlightenment related and fix other parts of your life maybe what you want is you want to get a good girlfriend or maybe what you want is you want to start your own business or you want to quit this nasty job that you've got and find a nicer job that you really are passionate about go ahead and do that that's fine that's fine the reason I tell you these things is because I know what's going to happen here's what's going to happen if right now you've got a crummy life and you commit yourself to this journey a spiritual alignment going to happen that you're going to get on it and you can feel excited for a while that oh I'm doing something new this is kind of cool and you're going to do this for a few weeks a few months let's say but that was going to happen is that the life that you left behind it'll catch up with you because the life you left behind even if you move right now to India and meditate in a cave in the Himalayas actually you haven't really left anything behind sure you might have left your job behind and your family behind but still all the problems that you had all the suffering you had from those situations that's still going to all be with you you can't escape that because it's in your head your head goes with you everywhere the ego goes with you everywhere this illusion that you're in it goes with you everywhere so you can't escape it by moving to another country or living under the ocean or something you can't escape it it's in your mind it comes with you so that means that you might need to do some basic fundamental personal development work just so that you're comfortable enough to even pursue this truth to pursue this truth takes a lot of open-mindedness it takes a certain emotional resiliency to do this for example if I go and explain all this to a to a homeless man the street who is sitting there he hasn't eaten for a week he's he's dirty he's tired he's got some health issues that he hasn't seen a doctor for because he doesn't have any money like that person do you think he's gonna be receptive to these truths about spiritual enlightenment no self and on all this stuff no he's not going to care even if he kind of cares and wants it he's not actually going to be able to fulfill on that commitment because he's in such a dire position in life he's so emotionally distressed his mind can't focus to do the spiritual diamond work we need your mind to be clear we need your mind to be able to focus we need you to be free of of threats like serious threats in life if your life is in threat right now let's say you're living in the inner city and there's a you know gangs around you that are going around shooting people and you're involved with drugs and stuff like spiritual alignment is not for you get yourself out of that situation first find yourself a calm place in your life where you can actually sit down and do the work where your mind can focus well you don't have too many distractions because there's a lot of focused work that needs to be done here and if you can't do it then you're not going to be able to do it and what's going to happen you're going to suffer even more because you're gonna be trying so hard to get enlightened but you're not going to be in a place where you can get enlightened right so it's kind of like if if you were in first grade right now and then I told you about calculus there's this cool thing called calculus you can do all this amazing stuff with calculus but you're in the first grade you're not ready for calculus go ahead and learn arithmetic learn your multiplication tables go ahead into middle school in high school and start learning algebra and start learning geometry and start learning trigonometry and start learning more advanced mathematics start learning how to graph and plot and how how to do functions and all this advanced pretty advanced math and then when you're in freshman year in college then you can start learning calculus so you have to peg yourself where are you are you in first grade right now are you in fifth grade are you in 10th grade are you a college level now if you're a college level then maybe this journey is for you so handle the basics first there's really two extremes here that you could undertake to extreme action paths one is basically to quit everything in your life and go pursue spiritual enlightenment 100% some people have done it this way this is how the Buddha supposedly did it but I don't recommend this path this is an extreme path because you will likely quit and then go back into an even worse place than where you started from so this is not recommended the other extreme path is that you say okay [ __ ] all this this is all nonsense all philosophy [ __ ] let me just go back to my normal life and what you do is you go back to your normal life and you completely forget about everything we talked about here you forget about spiritual enlightenment you throw it all away and you just go back to sleep right now you're living a life of sleep you're asleep but after you watch this spiritual alignment video what happened is that you were woken up just for a brief second for a brief second your eyes opened and you saw a new possibility your eyes open now it needs to happen is that a lot of work needs to happen to keep your eyes open otherwise you're going to fall back asleep and if you fall back asleep you might never wake up again you might never get this opportunity again because when you saw my spiritual I'm in video chances are that it was just an accident you weren't looking for it just one day you clicked on a button somewhere you saw the video you you watch through it all and then all of a sudden something hit you and you woke up that might be a once in a lifetime chance so don't go back to sleep and don't do nothing at all instead what you should do is what I recommend here and here's my action plan for you it's called the middle path the middle path looks like this one don't make any really big changes in your life you don't need to it's not necessary external action isn't what produces enlightenment living on a deserted island by yourself doesn't produce enlightenment nor does meditating in a cave or on a mountaintop or in the desert or anywhere else so that's not necessary right next I really encourage you to keep your family together keep your obligations to your family keep loving your family keep having fun with your family that's all fine your career keep that in place you need a job you need to pay the bills so keep your career in place don't go quitting your job the gym if you have a gym routine and you also have a nutrition routine maybe on a certain diet you're trying to eat healthy maintain that that's good that's going to have it that's good that's good practice you'll need that even after you're in line you'll want to eat healthy and go to the gym so keep doing all that stuff don't use this as an excuse to quit and if you're in school or you're in college keep going to school keep going to college because you need those fundamentals you need the fundamentals of school in college that will help you out later in life anyways you don't want to be enlightened but then not understand arithmetic or language so you know get those things under your belt those are the very fundamental things that you need everyone needs those also I recommend that you keep doing self-help you might wonder well Leo self-help if there's no self why the hell should I do self help it seems like a hoax no it's not as much of a hoax as you think in the end when you get to the highest highest levels self help will change for you your relationship to self help will change but you know what right now I still do self help after I came into contact with this truth of spiritual enlightenment which was probably two years ago at this point it's not like I quit everything I still kept doing self-help it's fact I started actualised org during this interim period and I didn't just do it so that I could you know pay my bills I did it because I believed in it and because it's helpful because it's helpful to to move you from the bottom levels to the upper levels right so if you got money issues relationship issues if you're chronically depressed if you've got panic attacks if you've got fits of anger if you're not able to maintain decent relationships with people at work these are all issues that are so fundamental you got to fix these things they'll help you in your quest toward spiritual enlightenment in fact if anything I would say take your time energy away from some of the material external things that you do and start to focus them on self-help the more self-help you do the more you're gonna actually get convinced of the benefits of spiritual enlightenment and the fact that it's the right path for you because honestly if I just take someone off the street who doesn't know anything about self-help and I tell them how spiritual enlightenment they're gonna think I'm crazy and they're not going to even understand the benefits of doing this this journey but someone who's been doing self-help for a long time if you've been doing self-help for 10 years 20 years and I tell you about spiritual I mean you're probably going to have some things click in your mind it's gonna be like oh now I get it now I get all this stuff now I get why I struggled here and why my relationships have this problem and why I'm negative sometimes and what lack of consciousness means and I understand what the spiritual books now mean and I understand why I was meditating all this time so all the stuff starts to come into play you know kind of click into place for you and that's good you want that foundation so keep doing that the other thing I really recommend for you as part of this mental path is to start doing daily meditation I've got a great video called how to meditate that will teach you how to set up a meditation practice it's very simple but as part of your foundation for doing spiritual I'm at work you need to start meditating that's going to help you it's not going to be the only solution but it's going to be a really nice foundation because we need to build your ability to focus you need to be able to focus you need to be able to go into your mind objectively and see what's going on in there which means you have to practice mindfulness so if you're practicing mindfulness outside of meditation that's great keep doing that and if you're practicing mindfulness right there in meditation also that's very good so start that habit also what you're going to do is once I start releasing some videos that teach you how to actually start taking the steps and the practical action steps for doing this enlightenment work is you should dedicate up half an hour a day or an hour a day how much you can manage to doing this enlightenment work it doesn't have to be a lot at first it can just be 20 minutes it can just be 30 minutes or 60 minutes II don't really need more than 60 minutes a day that's enough so just to put this into perspective you know 60 minutes all of you have an extra 60 minutes lying around you do this just means watch little less TV spend a little less time partying and drinking with your friends it's been a little less time on the internet posting stupid comments or whatever it is that you do that's a waste of time so some people ask me sometimes well leo does this mean that now I don't have enough time in my schedule to do enlightenment because I've got a family and all this stuff to do no you still got time most people have time there is one thing that you do need to stop and this is very important right here what you need to stop is you need to stop the following stop chasing success stop chasing Fame stop chasing money stop chasing sex and stop chasing love and in general stop chasing bodily pleasures stop chasing this stuff stop distracting your stuff yourself with this stuff all of these things success recognition fame money sex love pleasure these are all distractions of the ego and they fill up your time and they fill up your schedule with crap really really quickly I noticed this in myself it's very easy to make yourself busy when you have all this chasing that you do in your life you're chasing your tail so really the only thing you should be taking away from this video about enlightenment is that if anything all you need to do is you need to get rid of a little bit of the distractions in your life just get rid of those and everything will be fine you'll create the room that you need you'll find that this is healthy for you even if you don't do enlightenment just get rid of the distractions just cut back on the TV internet some of those addictions that you have that kind of stuff stop chasing for women stop chasing for men stop looking for love everywhere it's okay you don't need those crutches and I'm not saying that you should never pursue money or you should never go after fame I'm just saying hold yourself back a bit because what the ego does it's like oh I need it I need I need I need you're like a little kid who wants a toy in the in a toy store and he keeps masking his mom for this toy when he doesn't really need this toy he's got a hundred other toys but he just wants this toy because it's the new flashy toy so don't be that don't be lured in by distractions of the ego and basically and this is what I said in my time management video if you watch that one you stop doing stupid [ __ ] stop doing stupid [ __ ] in your life but keep the healthy good stuff going and you're going to be right where you need to be and now as far as this thing about you know being depressed they all Leone depressed now look you're going to be depressed for about a week or two when I first heard about this truth I was depressed for about a week but then you know what happens you come back you come back life becomes exciting again everything's cool everything's fine in fact what the the biggest danger is not that you're going to stay depressed you're not going to say depressed what's going to happen that your ego is going to kick back in in overdrive and about a week or two after what's going to happen is something like this you're going to be sitting there kind of depressed and you're going to be like oh man my life has been a lie all this kind of nonsense and then something's gonna click in you and your ego is gonna fight back and it's gonna say you know what [ __ ] that leo [ __ ] that Leon his enlightenment [ __ ] I'm gonna go out there I'm gonna live a happy life for myself [ __ ] all this nonsense I'm gonna go out there and do everything I plan to do in fact I'm gonna do even bigger than I plan to do I'll show him I'm gonna go make all this money I'm going to get all the girls I'm gonna get myself a beautiful house and a beautiful marriage and I'm gonna beautiful kids and then I'm gonna be so happy I'm gonna I'm gonna show them ten years later I'm gonna show them how happy I am and all this [ __ ] nonsense we'll see whose life is better mine or his ten years from now see your ego is going to kick in like that and what's going to happen is you can have this over reaction what's gonna happen you're going to turn your back on enlightenment and you're going to go chasing your tail you're going to be more motivated than ever you're gonna be chasing your tail because it's gonna feel very good why is it going to feel very good you're going to feel very significant because right now you feel very empty very significant and that that difference is going to feel like a kid of stimulations gonna be a drug for you because you're addicted to stimulation so you need that fulfillment you need that sense of significance it's a drug for you you're hooked on it so you know go ahead and do that if you want and then what's going to happen is that you're going to waste a couple of years of your life chasing your tail and you're going to maybe get that life or that husband or that money or like that sexy girlfriend or that beautiful house or whatever and you're going to find that it doesn't make you as happy as you thought it was gonna make you and after a while of that and doing personal development work what you're going to discover is like [ __ ] it's not working [ __ ] it's not what it's really not why is it not working I can understand why it's not working and then you're maybe you're going to waste five or ten years of your life doing this and then maybe maybe you'll scratch your head you'll say oh wait I remember that thing about enlightenment huh I'm going to come back to that I'm going to take a look at that now I've kind of exhausted my thirst for all these titillations of of the material material world why don't I go take another look at enlightenment and maybe you'll come back but see that's dangerous because you're not guarantee they're going to come back most people that have this overreaction what they do is they forget about enlightenment completely and so they go back to sleep and they never recover they never come back so just be careful about that smile you think right now this is depressing that this truth of no self that there is no self that this is depressing this is not depressing this is beautiful this is awesome your ego thinks it's depressing because it means bad news for the ego but it means good news for the true self that is you that you've never been in contact before you're going to discover your true self take in the full ramifications of what you were told in that original alignment video what did I tell you I basically promised you eternal happiness eternal peace of mind and immortality that's what you were promised and now you're depressed you're depressed by this no what's depressing is the life that you live now your ego Excel fush life that's what's depressing have you even thought through the ramifications of how you're living your life you do understand you're going to die right under your models of reality you're going to die you understand this and that's not going to take that long you've got another 20 30 40 50 years at most and then you gonna be dead you understand this you're going to die a miserable and painful death you understand this that's depressing that's sad what I'm telling you is not sad what I'm telling you is that you can be eternally happy in your life you can be living in heaven in paradise right here right now you don't need any mystical nonsense to do it all you need to do is undertake this investigation into enlightenment and you will become immortal you understand this there is no self that means that no self cannot die if there is no self who's going to die no one's going to die so that's a pretty cool thing what you've discovered here by watching these videos inadvertently is you've discovered the Holy Grail literally the Holy Grail you've discovered it except what you've actually discovered is not the Grail itself but a map to the Grail I've given you a map to the Grail now the question is are you going to go and discover the Grail or are you going to get buttered and depressed and say oh man that Grails on top of a mountain I have to go climb a mountain to find the Grail [ __ ] that that's depressing the Grail is here it's in your sight be happy about that life is beautiful life is amazing life is passionate life is peaceful life is happy all this stuff is true and it's there for you to discover right now you don't really understand any of that your current life is none of those things if you think that your life is beautiful and peaceful and happy right now you're lying to yourself it's not stop lying to yourself your life can become that if you do the work I'm telling you to do righteously I'm signing off go ahead post me your comments down below I'd love to hear what you think click the like button share this video with a friend on Facebook this enlightenment stuff needs to be shared more we need more people on board with this not because it makes us feel good but because this is what makes the world a more peaceful and better place and finally come and sign up to my newsletter right here it's a free newsletter and actualize that org sign up I release new videos for free every single week videos on enlightenment topics I can go really really deep on this stuff with you guys but also I'm still going to be doing more traditional personal development videos so don't fret if you've got basic issues in your life that you're having difficulty with like relationships getting girls finding other forms of happiness learning how to meditate stuff that doesn't necessarily have to be associated with alignment I'm still going to release a lot of videos on that so sign up stay tuned and I'll see you soon you